APLICAÇÃO/APLICATION - Atletas com conhecimentos técnicos dos exercícios/ Technical knowledge of different exercises (2/3 x a week)
Sets: 2 Reps: 10
Lie on an incline bench, loin pushed against the bench. Grasp barbell at a shoulder-wide grip and hold it above your chest, arms stretched. Lower barbell in a bow towards your chest and push it back to initial position.
Sets: 1 Reps: 12
Sets: 1 Reps: 12
Lie on your back on a bench. Hold barbell above your chest, arms stretched. Bend arms lowering the weight towards your forehead, push back again. Try keeping wrists in neutral position and elbows steady during the exercise.
Sets: 1 Reps: 12
Sets: 2 Reps: 10
APLICAÇÃO/APLICATION - Atletas com conhecimentos técnicos dos exercícios/ Technical knowledge of different exercises (2/3 x a week)
Nota: Conjunto de 9 exercícios básicos de musculação, para treino individual dos atletas, duas a três vezes por semana. Implica material básico de musculação, pelo que poderá ser feito sem grandes custos económicos para os clubes.
Incline bench press

Lie on an incline bench, loin pushed against the bench. Grasp barbell at a shoulder-wide grip and hold it above your chest, arms stretched. Lower barbell in a bow towards your chest and push it back to initial position.
Bent-over row
Slightly bend your hips and knees, keeping your back straight, barbell hanging below and before your knees. Grasp barbell with a shoulder-wide grip, pulling it towards abdomen before returning to initial position.
Military press
Abdomen flexed, stand with your arms bent and hands raised before you to shoulder level. The barbell rests on your chest. Push barbell above your head till your arms are stretched. Lower it slowly and repeat.
Barbell Shrugs

Grasp barbell with an overhand and shoulder-wide grip before your hips. Pull shoulders upward and backward as far as possible before slowly returning to initial position.
One-arm dumbbell curl
Hold a dumbbell in each hand downwards along your sides, palms facing your body. Lift arms towards your shoulders by bending your elbows and turning dumbbells outwards. Keep upper arms tight to your body during the entire exercise.
Barbell triceps extension

Lie on your back on a bench. Hold barbell above your chest, arms stretched. Bend arms lowering the weight towards your forehead, push back again. Try keeping wrists in neutral position and elbows steady during the exercise.
Leg extension

Sitting position: grasp handles at the sides to stabilise your body. Bend your legs putting your feet under the foot rollers. Raise your legs till they are stretched and parallel to the floor. Return to initial position and repeat the exercise.
Barbell squat

Stand with barbell resting on your shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart and pointing forward or slightly outwards. Bend your knees in an angle of 90 degrees before pushing upward again. Keep your back straight and look forward during the entire exercise.
Exercise ball sit-up
Lie on your back on the ball, feet apart, hands crossed over your chest or held behind your ears. Be sure to let your loin rest on the curve of the ball. Flexing your abdomen muscles, raise the upper part of your body while touching the ball only with the lower part of your back.