Em antevisão do que irá acontecer na Semana dedicada ao Mini-Andebol (uma vez que foram várias as solicitações por e-mail de exercícios para este escalão), é publicado hoje (na véspera) o primeiro artigo de cariz prático, abordando uma sugestão de jogo, como incentivo à prática do andebol pelas crianças.
2- At the same time player no.2 takes a second ball from the ball ring and bounces from the
bouncing spot to shooting spot 2 and shoots. After shooting player no.2 runs to catch the ball.
3- Player no. 3 runs to shooting spot no. 3 and receives a pass from player no.1. Player no.3 shoots and runs to catch the ball.
4- Player no.1 takes a ball from the ball ring, runs to the bouncing spot and bounces the ball to
shooting spot no.4, shoots and runs to catch the ball.
5- Player no.2 runs to shooting spot no. 5 and receives a pass from player no.3. After shooting
player no.2 runs to catch the ball.
6- Player no.3 runs to shooting spot no. 1 and receives a pass from player no.1. After shooting player no.3 runs to catch the ball.
7- Player no. 1 receives a pass from player no. 2 and bounces from the bouncing spot to shooting
spot no.2 ...e.t.c.
If balls are disappearing the players may take an extra ball from the ball ring.
The game starts on the “go” signal from the music and ends after 1 minute on the signal ”stop” from the music. The players must alternate and shoot first from shooting spot no.1,then no.2 e.t.c.

Este artigo número 1, da autoria de Allan Lund (Dinamarca), abarca um novo tipo de jogo, ou nas próprias palavras do autor: A NEW WAY OF PLAYING HANDBALL
This unique game is about handball technique and played by teams consisting of 3 players.It is played at one goal on half a handball court with 5 shooting spots and 1 bouncing spot. The team has one minute to score as many points as possible by shooting the ball through the 4 holes in the shooting wall.
Example of the rhythm of the game after the start signal:
1- Player no.3 takes one of the 5 ballsf rom the ball ring and passes to player no.1,who shoots from shooting spot no.1. After shooting player no.1 runs to catch the ball.

bouncing spot to shooting spot 2 and shoots. After shooting player no.2 runs to catch the ball.

shooting spot no.4, shoots and runs to catch the ball.

player no.2 runs to catch the ball.

spot no.2 ...e.t.c.

The game starts on the “go” signal from the music and ends after 1 minute on the signal ”stop” from the music. The players must alternate and shoot first from shooting spot no.1,then no.2 e.t.c.
When shooting from spot no.2 and 4, players must bounce the ball from the bouncing spot.
The players are allowed to stand on the shooting spots or jump from the shooting spots when
shooting. On the last shot the ball must have left the players hand before the end signal in order to obtain a point.
2 bonus points will be awarded to the team if all shots are done without technical mistakes( steps, not touching the spots, etc.) and following the general regulation of the game.
The objective of the game is to introduce handball as an entertainment activity for players, not abilities during the half time matches. Later we intend touse the game as an inter-school competition through out Europe combined with internet exercises.
The players are allowed to stand on the shooting spots or jump from the shooting spots when
shooting. On the last shot the ball must have left the players hand before the end signal in order to obtain a point.
2 bonus points will be awarded to the team if all shots are done without technical mistakes( steps, not touching the spots, etc.) and following the general regulation of the game.
The objective of the game is to introduce handball as an entertainment activity for players, not abilities during the half time matches. Later we intend touse the game as an inter-school competition through out Europe combined with internet exercises.