2. Fast break in situation 1: 1+1. Attack player runs fast break and defense player tries to stop him. Attack player can use help of “joker” for passing and blockade.
4. Half court, fast break in situation 3:2, full speed, defense very serious.
Variations are:
• Central part of the court, and
• Left side or right side of the court.
EXERCÍCIOS/ EXERCICES - Different systems of fast breaks to a tactical entirety
NÍVEL/LEVEL - Seniores/ Senior Level
APLICAÇÃO/APLICATION - Atletas com conhecimentos tácticos dos exercícios/ Tactics knowledge of different exercises
Nota: Como já vinha sendo anunciado: Vamos falar de FAST BREAKS!
Aqui ficam um conjunto de 4 exercícios, de diferente sistemas de fast breaks. Pode ser apenas uma sugestão, mas o fast breaks pode ter mais sucesso, mesmo quando obrigados a dividir o campo com outro escalão. A divisão do meio deve é ser feita a campo inteiro. Nesta primeira parte ficam disponíveis 4 exercícios.
1. Fast break 2:1 (left side; right side)

2. Fast break in situation 1: 1+1. Attack player runs fast break and defense player tries to stop him. Attack player can use help of “joker” for passing and blockade.
Variations are:
• Central part of the court, and
• Left side or right side of the court.
• Central part of the court, and
• Left side or right side of the court.

3. Fast break in situation 3:2.Defense players run back and try to stop fast break.

Variations are:
• Central part of the court, and
• Left side or right side of the court.
